Can men take collagen supplements?

Collagen is a relative newcomer to the health and beauty industry and it’s quickly become a firm favourite among women. 

Science has proved the many benefits of taking a daily dose of collagen, particularly when it comes to skin and hair health, but many have asked if it has the same appeal to men? 

The answer is yes. Experts predict the collagen industry will be worth over £18 billion by 2032, driven in part by growing demand from male consumers. 

In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at when and why men should take collagen, how much they should consume, and the benefits of our plant-based collagen supplement. 

What is collagen? 

First of all, let’s explore what collagen is and its role in our bodies. 

Collagen is our most abundant protein, and is present in almost every part of us, from our skin and hair to bones, muscles, connective tissues and joints. 

Our bodies make collagen naturally, by combining several amino acids with other essential ingredients, including copper, zinc and vitamin c. 

A slowdown in collagen production

At the age of around 30, this production starts to slow down by around 1% per year. Fast forward another decade and the rate declines much faster. 

For women, it often coincides with the drop in oestrogen brought on by menopause. Because men generally have lower levels of oestrogen, there isn’t as much of a  cliff edge in collagen production. 

Instead, they lose collagen steadily over the years, and may not be fully aware of its impact. Luckily, it’s never too late to boost your collagen levels. 

When should men start taking collagen?

Depending on your lifestyle, it’s widely recommended that our mid-twenties is a good time for men to increase their collagen intake. There are two ways they can do this: 

Eating more collagen-rich foods 

We’re all encouraged to eat a healthy, balanced diet but eating more foods with collagen is an easy way to maintain our natural levels. 

Bone broth, chicken skin, fish skin, red meat with lots of connective tissue, foods rich in vitamin C, eggs, beans and dairy produce all either contain collagen or support its natural production. 

Taking collagen supplements 

If you’re not able to add many of these to your diet, oral collagen supplementation is a handy alternative.  

They come in powder, capsule and liquid form. Many contain hydrolysed collagen, tiny fragments known as collagen peptides, which are easy for the body to absorb.   

The sources of collagen break down into three main types: animal, marine and plant-based. 

Whichever form of collagen supplement you decide to take is based entirely on personal choice, but you may want to consider the sustainability profile of animal and marine collagen. 

The global growth of the collagen industry has raised important questions about animal welfare, and claims of links to deforestation and rights abuses. 

While there are very few reported side-effects from collagen for men and women, the same might not be said about the industry’s environmental impact. 

How much collagen should a man take per day?

There are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to daily collagen doses for men, because it depends on the reasons why you are taking it in the first place. 

The generally accepted amount for consumption is between 2.5 and 15 grams of collagen per day. 

If you’re new to collagen supplements, it’s wise to start off on a lower daily dose and increase it if need be, monitoring your body’s response as you go.  

But what can you expect from your daily collagen supplementation? 

The benefits of collagen peptides for men 

There is currently no scientific proof that increased testosterone or support for erectile dysfunction are among the collagen benefits for men. 

But there are lots of other advantages that collagen supplements like our plant-based drink can provide. 

Baldness, thinning and male hair loss 

Collagen isn’t the only protein we lose as we get older. Our levels of keratin also dip, leading to thinner, weaker and sometimes rougher-feeling hair. 

Some of the essential amino acids found in collagen are crucial for keratin production and the production of new skin cells. 

Increasing your collagen intake also boosts skin hydration - including in your scalp and your hair. That added moisture can improve skin health, potentially strengthening its grip on hair follicles and reducing hair loss. 

Studies have shown that women saw significant increases in their hair's quantity, scalp coverage and thickness after regularly taking our plant-based collagen supplement. 

Men’s heart health

In the UK, one in eight men and one in 14 women die from coronary heart disease every year. Taking collagen supplements could help improve heart health for men and women. 

One of collagen’s amino acids, proline, clears the fat or plaque that builds up in our arteries, helping to control our blood pressure. Collagen also contains arginine, an amino acid that can relax blood vessels and widen arteries, aiding blood circulation. 

The hydrating properties of our plant-based collagen can also help reduce artery stiffness, while future studies may also demonstrate whether it has an impact on ‘bad’ cholesterol.

Men’s skincare  

Of the 28 types of collagen identified to date, 90% is made up of Type I, which is found in our skin, among other places. Among the remaining 10%, Type IV collagen can also be found in our skin layers. 

As men age, their levels of collagen drop over time, leading to sagging, dry skin, as well as the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Taking our daily collagen supplement can not only revitalise your skin by kick-starting the production of new skin cells, it can increase hydration, reducing fine lines and boosting hydration and elasticity. 

Boosting men’s bone health

Collagen is a structural protein, taking the form of a triple helix. In the same way as it helps support our skin layers, it also helps strengthen our bones. 

As we get older and our natural collagen synthesis declines, men’s bone density can fall, increasing the risk of fractures or breaks. 

Collagen peptide supplementation can enhance men’s bone health by boosting the production of cells that increase bone density and overall skeletal strength.

Men’s muscle mass 

Another amino acid present in collagen is glycine. It plays a key role in building muscle tissue and muscle mass, and taking collagen supplements can enhance both. 

A study found that older men who combined supplements with resistance training saw increased muscle mass and improvement in muscle growth.  

Men taking a daily dose of our plant-based collagen could experience the same results, and it may also help with recovery from exercise. 

Ligaments, tendons and joints 

We are all encouraged to lead active, healthy lifestyles. Among the most significant collagen benefits for men and women is its impact on our ligaments, tendons and joints. 

Collagen isn’t just a part of our bones, muscles and skin. It’s also found in our ligaments, tendons, other connective tissues and joints, keeping them flexible and stretchy. 

It also has an important role to play in the growth and repair of cartilage tissue and joint health, potentially easing joint pain and, as with muscle soreness, reducing recovery time after exercise. 

Men’s gut health

Another of the best collagen benefits for men is its impact on digestive health. 

The amino acid glycine is key to the health of our gut lining and maintaining strong intestinal walls. If our natural collagen levels drop, it can lead to issues such as IBS or leaky gut. 

Although more research is needed, evidence suggests collagen supplements such as our plant-based drink can help prevent this and improve gut health.

Beyond amino acids: listing the lid on our plant-based collagen 

Now that we have established the many collagen benefits for men, and recommended when and how much they should take, it’s time to shift the focus to our plant-based supplement. 

Lots of products currently on the market are based on animal or marine collagen.

Ours is different. 

So different in fact, that it’s not actually collagen at all. Our supplement contains VeCollal®, the world’s first plant-based collagen alternative. 

It mimics the precise chain of amino acids our bodies use to naturally generate Type I collagen. 

Animal and marine versions produce collagen that is similar but not exactly the same. VeCollal® is. 

As if that wasn’t enough of a benefit, our plant-based drink delivers its amino acids directly to the body, side-stepping the digestion process. 

More than 98% of it is absorbed, compared to 3% for collagen supplement capsules. 

That means our liquid supplement can get to work more efficiently: reducing thinning hair, ensuring healthy joints and boosting muscle strength, among other benefits. 

Try our plant-based collagen supplement 

Our plant-based supplement has many benefits for men. It’s convenient, tastes great and at only £1.71 per day, you get all the benefits for less than a takeout coffee.  

Our offers include a 28-day subscription. Find all the details here

Questions or queries? Get in touch 

If you want to ask us anything about our plant-based liquid collagen supplement, or any of the other products in the Arella range that aren’t covered by our FAQs, drop us a line. 

You can email us at, telephone 03303 209 190, or fill in this contact form and we’ll get back to you straight away.