How much collagen per day should I take?

We’ve been told ‘everything in moderation’ for centuries and that you can never have too much of what is good for you. Is it the case for collagen supplements? 

The issue of how much collagen per day we should take, whether it’s a liquid, powder, pill or gummy supplement, has swirled for several years. 

We’re going to explore this important question, find out what collagen does for our bodies, and explain why our sachets of plant-based liquid collagen are the perfect daily dose. 

What is collagen?

Collagen is the body’s most abundant protein. Made up of a blend of essential amino acids, vitamin C, zinc and copper, 28 different types of collagen have been identified to date.

Collagen is a structural protein that acts as a kind of scaffolding for our bones, as well as being part of our connective tissues, muscle mass and blood vessels. 

It is also crucial for our skin hydration: plumping out the layers, as well as strengthening our nails and hair and supporting joint health.    

A drop in production

Despite its importance to so many parts of the body, our natural production starts to slow down around the age of 30, while the decline accelerates by the time we hit 40. 

As our levels drop, we can experience weaker bone density and muscle mass, and increased joint pain. 

Our artery walls can become stiffer leading to potential heart problems, while our skin can lose elasticity, our hair can become dull and our nails brittle. 

We can look and feel a lot older than we actually are, but upping our intake of collagen can help reverse that. 

The benefits of collagen

We can increase the body’s collagen production by eating certain collagen-rich foods. 

Bone broth, eggs, beans, red and yellow vegetables and citrus fruits, among other foods, can all naturally boost our levels of collagen proteins. 

Quitting smoking, staying out of the sun, and avoiding alcohol and very sugary foods can also help slow down the decline in collagen production. 

However, dietary and lifestyle choices can limit how much extra collagen we can obtain from food. That’s where most collagen supplements can help. 

Different types of collagen supplements 

The market for collagen supplementation has exploded in recent years, with a vast range of products containing hydrolysed collagen peptides. 

The majority of powder, pill and liquid supplements contain bovine collagen or marine collagen, taken - as their names suggest - from animal and fish sources. 

While these forms of collagen are similar to what human’s produce naturally, they are not precisely the same. 

In contrast, our vegan liquid supplement contains VeCollal®, a plant-based ingredient that 100% matches natural human collagen. 

The health benefits of taking collagen 

Just as eating more collagen-rich foods can help increase our natural levels, taking a daily supplement can give our collagen output a boost too. 

They can help give us stronger bones, improve muscle mass and muscle growth, benefit joint pain and protect our nervous system. 

Collagen’s ability to hydrate wherever it is found is good news for our skin health, as well as helping with nail and hair growth. 

Our newly hydrated skin is plumped out and given a more youthful look, while our hair and nails are healthier and stronger. 

So, when it comes to taking collagen daily, can you have too much of a good thing? 

Why a daily collagen dosage?

When considering how much collagen peptides to take per day, it is worth considering why you want it in the first place. 

For example, if you have a demanding exercise routine or work in a physically stressful environment, your body could be breaking down collagen faster than it can be replaced. 

The first step is to examine how much protein you have in your current diet, and whether you can incorporate more of the foods we listed earlier.

The second step is taking a daily collagen dosage. 

Establishing your daily collagen dosage

There are many types of collagen supplements on the market. Their collagen content, whether it is marine collagen, bovine collagen or developed from plants, can vary wildly. 

Most supplements do have detailed dosage information so you know how much collagen you are taking in a single pill, sachet or scoop. 

Because there is no standard recommended daily allowance for collagen powder, pills or liquids, it's worth reading labels carefully as the suggested intake can be different from product to product. 

Each product’s ‘recommended’ dosage per day can be anything from 2.5 and 15 grams of hydrolysed collagen peptides. 

Meanwhile, supplements containing undenatured collagen, derived from chicken cartilage that has not been hydrolysed, can suggest anything between 1-4 grams. 

Our plant-based sachets contain 25 grams of Vecollal® amino acid blend. 

How much collagen is too much collagen? 

To date, there are very few side-effects associated with good quality supplements, whether you take them in liquid, pill or powder form. 

Reported symptoms can include digestive problems, stomach complaints and headaches. If you do experience any of these, it’s worth talking to a medical professional. 

That said, if you have an extra sachet of our plant-based liquid collagen, there’s no need to worry. Collagen supplements are safe for all genders, no matter what age they are. 

How much collagen should I take for skin and hair?

A single sachet per day of our vegan liquid collagen is a great addition to your everyday hair care routine to hydrate and care for your scalp, potentially increasing growth and thickness. 

It is also great for hydrating and plumping out skin, reducing fine lines and giving it a youthful, dewy glow.

Try our plant-based liquid collagen supplement 

Now’s the perfect time to try our vegan liquid supplement and boost your body’s collagen levels. 

Our offers include a 14-day subscription. Sign up and you will receive sachets of our liquid vegan supplement every fortnight, plus a free jute bag.

Find all the details here

Questions or queries? Get in touch 

If you want to ask us anything about our vegan liquid collagen supplement, or any of the other products in the Arella Beauty range that aren’t covered by our FAQs, drop us a line. 

You can email us at, telephone 03303 209 190, or fill in this contact form and we’ll get back to you straight away.