When should I take collagen: morning or night?

Knowing when to take a collagen supplement is tough. On the one hand, morning seems appealing because it can give you a healthy kickstart. But on the other, it would be nice to nourish your body before bed. The real question is - is it better to take collagen in the morning or at night? Read on to find out.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a protein responsible for muscle growth and repair, maintaining healthy skin, and keeping joints smooth. It keeps your cells strong and elasticated so they can recover from injury and stretch while retaining their shape.

Your body naturally makes collagen using amino acids, vitamin C, and other vitamins and minerals, but after your mid-twenties, you stop producing the same amount of collagen. This can make you more susceptible to injuries and take muscles and tendons longer to repair. Your skin cells may also lose shape, creating fine lines and wrinkles.

Benefits of taking a collagen supplement

A collagen supplement replenishes lost collagen to keep your body healthy and functioning. Here are the main benefits of taking extra collagen:

  • Bouncy skin
  • Reduces premature ageing, such as fine lines and wrinkles
  • Keeps joints strong
  • Helps with muscle growth and recovery
  • Better energy levels
  • Enhances sleep quality
  • Balances hormones
  • Improves your mood
  • Increases blood flow
  • Looks after your heart health
  • Supports the gut

Read more: How To Know When To Start Taking Collagen.

Should you take collagen in the morning or at night? (and the mistake most people make)

Depending on your preference, you can take collagen in the morning or at night. There is no benefit to the time of day you consume a collagen supplement - what’s essential is that you consistently take your collagen at the same time every day.

Most people make the mistake of inconsistently taking collagen, and we don’t want you to fall into that trap! So, here are some ways to decide whether it’s best for you to take the supplement in the morning or the evening.

Signs you should take collagen in the morning

There's no advantage to taking your collagen in the morning over the evening, but should you do it? Here are some of the signs that taking collagen in the morning is best for you:

You’re a morning person

Early to bed and early to rise. If that sounds like you, taking the supplement first thing could be the best time. You’re more likely to have the extra time on your hands and headspace to remember when you’re not half asleep or madly rushing around the house.

You have a morning routine 

A morning routine is a succession of habits that you consistently follow each morning. For instance, you may make a coffee, meditate, read in bed, or do a bit of phone scrolling (no judgement here—we all do it!). 

A morning routine makes it easier to take your collagen supplement because you can pair it with a habit you’re already doing. For example, take your supplement while the kettle boils for your first coffee of the day. You could also reach for the supplement after you get dressed or as part of your morning skincare routine.

You keep forgetting to take it at night

This one is the most obvious sign. If you’ve tried and failed to take the supplement at night but keep forgetting, then switch to the morning. Maybe it’s because you’re too tired, it’s always slipping your mind, or you just keep thinking, ‘I’ll do it tomorrow.’ Either way, it’s time to start having your supplement in the morning.

Signs you should take collagen at night

Perhaps you’ve read through the above points and thought, ‘Hmm, some of it resonates. But I’m still unsure if morning or evening is best for me.’ So, here are a few clues that you’d be better off taking a collagen supplement in the evening.

You’re a night owl

Night owls tend to go to bed later and get up later, and it can depend on your schedule or your natural body clock. You don’t have to be a night owl to take a supplement in the evening, but it can help for a few reasons.

Firstly, you have more energy in the evenings than morning risers, so you’re less likely to skip the supplement because you’re tired. Secondly, you have more time in the evening. So you can take it without feeling like you have to cram one million things in before getting to bed.

You have an evening routine

Evening routines are habits that help you reset and relax before bed. You may tidy the house, have a bath, meditate, or read to soothe a busy brain. Consider adding collagen to your peaceful evening routine before a cup of herbal tea or when you’ve finished your nighttime skin care.

You never remember to take it in the morning

If you get to work and think, ‘I forgot to take my collagen supplement again,’ you might find that the evening is better for you. Sometimes, mornings are chaotic, and remembering a supplement before you leave the house isn’t ideal.

Tips for remembering to take your collagen supplement regularly

You’ve decided when to take your collagen supplement, but there’s a glaring problem - you always forget. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the morning or the evening, somehow, that collagen supplement keeps slipping your mind. If that sounds familiar, here are some tips to consistently take collagen:

  • Set an alarm for the same time every day.
  • Work it into a pre-existing routine.
  • Put the supplement somewhere you can see it.
  • Keep the supplements at work.
  • Put the collagen supplement on your bedside table and take it as soon as you get up or right before bed.

Take Arella Beauty’s award-winning Liquid Collagen Supplement

Our Liquid Collagen Supplement is 100% vegan, made with plant-based materials to supercharge your collagen levels. It’s formulated with vitamin C and the precise amino acids you need for collagen production. We’ve also infused the small packet with other beneficial ingredients like ginseng, retinol, and niacinamide so you can nurture your beauty all in one. Get your collagen supplement today with Arella Beauty.

Read more:

Written by Emma Carey for Arella Beauty.

Emma is a holistic beauty and wellness writer. She has three years of experience in the well-being industry and a Master’s degree in Creative Writing and Wellness. Check out her portfolio and follow her on Instagram.